Islamic Identity

Understanding Sufism’s Role in the Spread of Islam


“In our high school curriculum, it was mentioned that Sufism had a significant role in the spread of Islam. Is this true?”

Defining the Islam Spread by Sufism

The scholar responded:

“Before answering, we must clarify the question: What kind of Islam did the Sufis spread? Is it the Islam that the Messenger of ALLAH brought from His LORD, or is it one of the various interpretations of Islam?

If the answer is the Islam that ALLAH revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), then we say no. The Sufis called people to an Islam mixed with Greek philosophy, Buddhist or Hindu philosophies, and other influences. Without a doubt, they invited people to declare that there is no god but ALLAH and that Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH, and people followed them in this call. But this is not the pure Islam brought by the Prophet (Peace be upon Him).

This matter requires precision, and many people do not pay attention to it. Sufi orders and their leaders, from our experience and regardless of what we’ve read or heard, have had a positive impact on the general public. We know people who didn’t pray but started praying, who used to drink alcohol and commit adultery but became distant from all that. This is undoubtedly a good deed from these sheikhs.

Sufism, Sufi group
A fictional image of a Sufi group.

The Importance of Monotheism in Islam

However, did they teach them the monotheism that saves on “The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children*But only one who comes to ALLAH with a sound heart1? No.

Similarly, some Islamic groups today claim to convey Islam—this vague Islam without clear boundaries or prominent features that should be understood by all who are invited to Islam. These groups also do good by bringing people from immorality to prayer and fasting, but they do not teach them the monotheism that is the basis of salvation from eternal punishment in the Fire.

In any case, we do not deny that every Islamic group has had an effect in the spread of Islam. But we must not forget the saying: “Knowledge is vast, and life is short, so prioritize the most important over the important“.

Prioritizing the Essentials in the Spread of Islam

If the Sufis focus on educating their followers on supposed asceticism, humility, and meekness within the limits of Islam, that’s a good thing. But this does not equate to the significance of the correct creed, which they often do not emphasize at all. In this, they are similar to people who are not related to Islam at all.

For example, Christian missionaries—European individuals living in cold, snowy lands—travel to Africa for what? To evangelize and call to Christianity. They show humility and offer money and efforts. Undoubtedly, this resembles some efforts in spreading religion, but it is not Islam.

A fictional image of a Sufi group.

Therefore, we should not simply applaud any group of Muslims who call to a part of Islam, even if it is important, but not the most important.

Conclusion: Evaluating Sufism’s Role in Islam

So, whoever says that Sufism has a significant role in the spread of Islam, it is with this detail and not in that absolute sense. Yes, they have contributed, but we must consider whether the Islam they spread aligns with the pure teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).


  • Sheikh Al-Albani. الشيخ الألباني هل صحيح أن الصوفية لهم دور كبير في نشر الإسلام. YouTube Video.
  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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