
Prayer in Islam: The Greatest Remedy for Life’s Worries


This is the second part in a series of articles discussing prayer in Islam, how it should be performed correctly, and how the pious predecessors (righteous early Muslims) conducted their prayers. Click here to read the full series, ALLAH willing.

The Magnitude of Prayer in Islam

The matter of prayer is the greatest thing in this world. People must understand the immense importance of prayer from the Quran and the Sunnah (teachings of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon Him). The way people treat prayer indicates that they do not comprehend much of the greatness of what they are doing—prayer. They are not aware of how much the Sharia (Islamic law) magnifies this aspect.

Most people are genuinely unaware and heedless of the fact that there is no distress in their lives—no worry, no grief, no problem, nor any kind of sorrow, gloom, or worldly hardship—except that prayer removes it, solves its complications, relieves their anxieties, dispels their worries, and eliminates everything that harms them. Prayer is the divine remedy that our LORD, Exalted and Glorified, has sent down to HIS servants to lift their hearts from this world to soar in the heavens.

Whenever the troubles, hardships, tightness, problems, trials, worries, and annoyances of this world accumulate, prayer comes to lift your heart, so you do not feel the problems surrounding and multiplying around you.

Prayer as a Solution to Life’s Problems

Problems always exist, but you are not affected by them, nor are you harmed or grieved because of them. This was the state of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him). Whenever he faced any problem or distress, he would immediately resort to prayer. It was narrated that:

When anything distressed the Prophet, He prayed1

This means that whenever grief or sorrow befell him, he found no solution except in prayer.

ALLAH Almighty says:

“And WE already know that your breast is constrained by what they say. So exalt [ALLAH] with praise of your LORD and be of those who prostrate [to HIM]. And worship your LORD until there comes to you the certainty (death)2
(Suraat ‘Al-Hijr, 15:97-99)

Chapter ‘Al-Hijr: Verse – 97-99 – سورة الحجر: الآية

So, prostration was the solution for the Prophet (Peace be upon Him). You and I believe that no one in the world was harmed as much as the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace be upon Him). No one faced from people what the Messenger of ALLAH faced; no one heard from people what he heard.

Despite this enormous harm and great concern, ALLAH made prostration His solution. This act of lowering and humbling oneself through the movement of prostration before ALLAH Almighty was the solution to this massive concern and heavy burden that the Messenger of ALLAH (Peace be upon Him) experienced.

Prayer in Islam
An illustrative art version of a person prostrating in prayer

Prayer: The Remedy for All Worries

If prayer was the solution to the Prophet’s problems, with their enormity, weight, and multitude, shouldn’t it solve your problem and mine? Shouldn’t it relieve your worry and mine? Shouldn’t it dispel your distress and mine? Shouldn’t it bring comfort to your heart and mine?

The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said:

“…and My comfort has been provided in prayer”3

It is a great calamity that the servant’s remedy is in his hands, yet he turns away from it, immersed in the ailment, complaining about it day and night, crying out from the harm of this ailment, and hardly talks about anything else—worries, trials, problems, calamities, and tribulations—while he is turning away from the greatest and most magnificent remedy for these problems.

As the poet said:

“Among the wonders—and they are many—
The closeness of the remedy, yet not reaching it.
Like the she-camel in the desert dying of thirst
While water is carried on its back”

Right before you is the act of getting up, performing ablution, entering upon ALLAH Almighty in prayer, and that’s it—the problems are solved, crises are gone, worries are relieved. But we do not do this.


Prayer in Islam is not just a ritual but a profound means to alleviate every distress and hardship. It is the greatest remedy that ALLAH has given us. Let us not turn away from it while immersing ourselves in our ailments. Instead, we should hasten to prayer, connect with our Lord, and find solace and solutions to all our problems.


  • Dr. Ahmed ElArabi. فاهم 36 | سلسلة تذوق العبادات – (1) الصلاة | مع د. أحمد العربي. YouTube Video.
  1. Sunan Abi Dawud ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Sunan an-Nasa’i ↩︎
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