Current Situations of Muslims

The Hidden Tragedy of Palestine’s Lost History

hidden tragedy
Netanyahu vs. Macron: A Debate on Israel’s Founding.

This image serves as a reminder of the painful chapters in our nation’s history and how we grew up without fully understanding the struggles our homeland endured. It was only when we started reading and exploring the past that we began to comprehend the full extent of the destruction caused by the enemy.

Selective History by Our Enemies

Both of these enemies of GOD selectively chose what suited them from history, ignoring what didn’t align with their agenda. But how, you might wonder?

Would you believe, dear reader, that after over a century of tireless effort by the Zionist movement—from the time of Muhammad Ali Pasha’s rule over the Levant (1831–1840) up to the declaration of Israel in 1948—their gains were minimal?

Even with the backing of the British occupation for thirty years, the Jews controlled only 6% of the land and constituted no more than 31% of the total population!

How Did 6% Turn into 100%?

The obvious question here is: How did such a dramatic shift occur? How did 6% of the land turn into 100%? How did the Jewish population become the majority in this land?

This very issue is the subject of debate between the two prominent figures, Netanyahu and Macron.

Macron argues that Israel was established through a United Nations decision—the Partition Plan, which allocated 55% of the land to Israel and 45% to the Arabs.

But a UN decision is merely ink on paper. How could anyone force the inhabitants of 55% of the land to abandon their villages and cities?

This is where the role of the Zionist gangs comes in (later forming what became the Israeli army), bolstered by British efforts and supported by the West and America, all under the cover of legitimacy provided by the United Nations.

Netanyahu emphasizes this point, asserting that Israel wasn’t founded solely through diplomatic agreements but through war, bloodshed, and conflict.

The Hidden Tragedy

But where were the people of Palestine? Why didn’t they defend themselves? Where were the Arabs and Muslims?

Here, dear reader, lies the untold tragedy—the grand conspiracy involving both Western and Arab capitals. The plot unfolded not only in London and Washington but also in Cairo, Amman, Damascus, Baghdad, and Riyadh.

The people of Palestine were prevented from defending themselves. They were denied weapons, cut off from funding, and forbidden from taking up the fight on their own. The Arab regimes took control of the situation, sidelining Palestinian leaders such as Amin al-Husseini and Abdul Qader al-Husseini.

Hidden tragedy
Arabs Hand Over Palestine as a Gift to Zionists.

They created what was called the “Arab Liberation Army“, a move designed to absorb and control the overwhelming popular desire to defend Palestine. Then, they sent their official armies under the guise of “saving” Palestine.

The Result of Arab Intervention

So, what was the outcome, dear reader?

Imagine this: What did the Arab armies and the volunteer forces they assembled manage to do to stop Israel from taking the 55% allocated to them?

Prepare to be astonished—the conflict ended with Israel seizing 78% of the land!

In other words, Arab policies handed Israel an additional quarter of the land—along with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims!

It might just be one of the most significant “gifts” ever given by any state in recorded history!

But what about the remaining 22% of Palestine?

Don’t be too quick, dear reader—the gift hasn’t been fully delivered yet!

The Complete Loss and the Unknown Heroes

This remaining portion of the land was divided between Egypt and Jordan—Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip, and Jordan held the West Bank. But what happened next?

Both regimes did everything in their power to prevent Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims from resisting or trying to reclaim the lost land. They relentlessly pursued resistance fighters, subjecting them to punishment, death, torture, imprisonment, and humiliation.

Why did you act this way, Egyptian and Jordanian regimes?

Their response: The issue of Palestine is ours; we are responsible for it. It’s not just a Palestinian matter—it’s an Arab issue. It’s a task for armies, not militias, and so on.

Fine, then should we expect you to liberate Palestine?

Their reply: Trust us, stand behind us, support us. Listen and obey, even if we take your wealth, violate your rights, and consume your resources—all in the name of liberation, Arab unity, and Palestine.

Until one day, we all awoke to the disaster of 1967, when Israel swept through the remaining part of Palestine, along with Sinai in Egypt and the Golan Heights in Syria.

Hidden tragedy
“Arab rulers’ betrayal of Palestine.

And so, dear astonished reader, all of Palestine was lost.

When all of Palestine was lost, everyone washed their hands of it, saying: This is the Palestinians’ problem now; let them deal with it.

Then Yasser Arafat stepped forward—with details and complicity too lengthy to explain here—leading to another chapter in the story. It ended with Arafat recognizing Israel’s right to exist on 78% of the land and pleading for the remaining 22%, in exchange for suppressing the intifada and resistance.

This is the untold story, through which you can identify the lesser-known figures who played key roles in the loss of Palestine:

Starting with Muhammad Ali Pasha in Egypt, then King Fuad, King Farouk, Al-Nuqrashi, Abdel Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak, and Sisi; Sharif Hussein and his sons Faisal and Abdullah I of Jordan, followed by his grandson Hussein bin Talal, and his great-grandson Abdullah II; as well as Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.


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