
The Heavenly Origin of Prayer: A Unique Gift from ALLAH


This is the fourth part in a series of articles that discuss the Islamic prayer and its heavenly origin, how it should be performed correctly, and how the pious predecessors (the righteous early Muslims) performed their prayers. You can click here to read the full series, ALLAH willing.

Prayer: A Gift from the Heavens

What sets prayer apart from other pillars of Islam like zakat (charity), fasting, and hajj (pilgrimage)? The key distinction lies in its heavenly origin. While ALLAH prescribed all other acts of worship on earth, HE chose to ordain prayer in the heavens. This celestial ordainment highlights the unparalleled importance of prayer in our faith.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) didn’t receive the command to pray while on earth. Instead, during the miraculous night journey of Isra and Mi’raj, He ascended through the seven heavens, reaching the Sidrat al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Farthest Boundary). The Quran beautifully describes this moment:

“And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer1
(Suraat ‘An-Najm, 53:9)

It was at this exalted place that ALLAH revealed to HIS servant what HE revealed, including the obligation of prayer. Initially, fifty daily prayers were prescribed, later mercifully reduced to five prayers a day and night, each carrying the reward of ten. This divine decree emphasizes the special status of prayer in our religion.

Prayer: The Spiritual Elevator

The heavenly origin of prayer carries a profound meaning. Prayer serves as the greatest act that elevates a servant’s heart and spirit towards the heavens. Nothing can lift your heart and soul from this worldly life except when you truly feel and realize that you’re prostrating beneath ALLAH’s Throne, living with an angelic heart and a pure soul.

heavenly origin
A fictional Image of a serene and peaceful mood of a Muslim in prayer

Prayer stands as the supreme spiritual and divine act of worship. It purifies the soul, cleanses the heart, and detaches it from worldly concerns and impurities. Through prayer, we can transcend our earthly existence, living as if we’re in heaven, unconcerned with worldly matters, as if communicating with ALLAH without any barriers.

The Prophet’s Ascension: A Lesson in Prayer’s Importance

Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) ascended to the seventh heaven, spoke to ALLAH, and received the obligation of prayer there, not on earth. This celestial setting for the ordainment of prayer teaches us that it is the supreme act of worship, capable of lifting our hearts and souls from earth to heaven.

The poet Ahmad Shawqi beautifully captured this magnificent scene:

“ALLAH took you on a night journey, while HIS angels
And messengers stood in Al-Aqsa Mosque
They prayed behind you, each of high status
And whoever is blessed with ALLAH’s love leads in prayer
Until you reached a sky unreachable
By wing or foot
It was said: each prophet at his rank
And O Muhammad, here is the Throne, so touch it”

The Unmatched Status of Prayer

ALLAH chose to prescribe prayer in this grand setting, with the Prophet standing before HIM, not on earth or among people, but in the highest place – the seventh heaven at the Sidrat al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Farthest Boundary), among the angels. This divine scenario underscores the unparalleled importance of prayer in our faith.

The heavenly origin of prayer indicates that it should lift your heart, elevate your soul, and strengthen your connection with ALLAH. If you think anything strengthens your relationship with ALLAH more than prayer, you’re greatly mistaken. Nothing in your faith fortifies your bond with ALLAH more than prayer.

Prayer: The Heart of Faith

If you believe that excessive pursuit of knowledge, memorizing the Quran, or engaging in various religious activities strengthens your relationship with ALLAH while your prayer is weak, the mosque misses your presence, and you’re not punctual for prayers, you’re in great danger. That’s not the essence of faith. Faith is embodied in prayer, and nothing in religion surpasses the importance of prayer.

Satan continuously tries to corrupt this act of worship because it was the reason for his expulsion from Paradise and ALLAH’s mercy. That’s why Satan weeps every time we prostrate. Our Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said,

When, the son of Adam recites the Ayat of Sajdah (prostration) and then falls down in prostration, the Satan goes into seclusion and weeps and says:Woe unto me, the son of Adam was commanded to prostrate, and he prostrated and Paradise was entitled to him and I was commanded to prostrate, but I refused and am doomed to Hell‘”3

Embracing Prayer’s Heavenly Origin in Our Daily Lives

We must realize that prayer is the essence of religiosity and commitment. If you claim to be devoted to your faith, prayer should be the greatest and most significant aspect of your life. If you aspire to walk the path of righteousness, nothing should be more important in your heart than prayer, its timings, praying in the mosque, anticipating prayers, improving your prayer, perfecting it, working on your khushu’ (focus and humility) during prayer, and constantly elevating its quality.

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A digital illustration of a Muslim person in prayer

Prayer is not just a ritual; it’s a divine connection, a spiritual ascension, and the cornerstone of our faith. It’s through prayer that we can truly experience the nearness to ALLAH that our souls yearn for. Let us strive to make our prayers a means of spiritual elevation, a source of tranquility, and a pathway to ALLAH ‘s pleasure.

May ALLAH make us among those who establish prayer with sincerity and devotion, drawing us closer to HIM through this beautiful act of worship. May HE help us perfect our prayers and make them a source of light in this life and the next. Ameen.


  • Dr. Ahmed ElArabi. فاهم 36 | سلسلة تذوق العبادات – (1) الصلاة | مع د. أحمد العربي. YouTube Video.
  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. AlBurdah – Full Version ↩︎
  3. Sahih Muslim ↩︎
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