The Profound Difference Between Faith and Disbelief: A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective


This article is the first in the series “Be Proud of Your Islam” and addresses the fundamental difference between faith (iman) and disbelief (kufr) from an Islamic perspective. It discusses how to maintain one’s Islamic identity in the modern world while fostering a balanced approach towards non-Muslims. The article also highlights the dangers of neglecting core beliefs and being influenced by distorted ideas that seek to blur the lines between faith and disbelief.

Click here to explore the entire series.

Understanding the Clear Divide Between Faith and Disbelief in Islam

Do not fall from the heights of faith into the depths of disbelief! You might think this message is not for you, but you will soon realize that it concerns us all. Why are we addressing this topic? To help you appreciate the blessing of Islam in your life, to make your faith a source of joy and pride, and to understand the real difference between faith and disbelief. This awareness will help you avoid unknowingly slipping from the elevated heights of faith into the deep valleys of disbelief.

ALLAH, the Exalted, says:

And he who associates with ALLAH- it is as though he had fallen from the sky and was snatched by the birds or the wind carried him down into a remote place1
(Suraat ‘Al-Hajj, 22:31)

This is the true distance, and we want you to understand it clearly before you become heedless, so that you don’t realize the difference only in the Hereafter, when it’s too late.

We discuss these differences so you can see the ugliness of disbelief and experience the sweetness of faith, for clarity comes through understanding their opposites. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said:

There are three qualities for which anyone who has them will experience the sweetness of faith“, and one of them is “to hate returning to disbelief as much as one would hate to be thrown into fire2

We also discuss these differences to expose how our adversaries try to diminish the value of Islam in our hearts, while beautifying disbelief and giving it misleading names to draw us toward it. You will be surprised when we examine their methods step by step.

Clarifying the Divine Distinction: Faith and Disbelief in Islam

We chose this topic because the distinction between the believer and the disbeliever, between faith and disbelief, is one of the most frequently mentioned concepts in the Quran. If we do not fully understand and accept this matter, we deprive ourselves of the Quran’s guidance. We aim to read the entire Quran with a sense of fresh understanding, as if encountering its meanings for the first time.

faith and disbelief
Embodying the strength and serenity of faith, a Muslim stands proud, grounded in the teachings of Islam, with the Quran and crescent moon as symbols of unwavering belief and dignity.

We discuss these differences to help you understand humanity’s deep need for Islam. You are part of the group ALLAH described as “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind3 (Suraat ‘Ali-Imraan, 3:110) – for their benefit, both in this world and the Hereafter. You belong to the community of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him), whom ALLAH sent as a mercy to all the worlds. This mission is not optional; if we neglect it, we will face humiliation in this life and punishment in the Hereafter.

We also address these differences to correct misconceptions among Muslims who wrongly believe that it is permissible to unjustly take the wealth of non-Muslims or betray them. Such actions drive people away from ALLAH’s religion, without realizing the severity of ALLAH’s condemnation of these deeds and the punishment promised to those who commit them.

Confronting the Dangers of Misguided Influence on Faith and Identity

We discuss these differences because some of our own people are promoted and highlighted in the media to undermine us, to confuse us, and to discourage us from inviting others to Islam. Instead of strengthening our faith, they urge us to compromise our religion and even encourage our children to attend non-Muslim religious ceremonies.

For example, one might say to a Muslim woman living in a Western country: “Sister, you’re living in their lands, benefiting from their food, their education, and their security. And now, you want to prevent your children from going to church to congratulate them? They provide us with education, healthcare, housing, and security, so why shouldn’t our children go? Just because they are disbelievers? Disbelievers? We are the disbelievers!

We’ve destroyed our own lands! Disbelief isn’t just about religion; it’s about being ungrateful for the blessings. We’ve torn our homelands apart, killed each other, destroyed our mosques, cursed one another, and declared each other disbelievers. Look, forget religious rulings for ten years! I swear by ALLAH, until we restore our countries!”

Another person speaks highly of the atheist advocate and distorter of science, Richard Dawkins, saying: “What a scholar, glory be to ALLAH! Whether you agree with him or not, the man is a true scholar with a genuine passion for science, and he rejoices in it! Hawking is a brilliant scholar, an exceptional scholar! Where are we compared to Aristotle? Where are we compared to Hawking? We are nothing!

Compared to them, we are like grass beneath tall palm trees! You fool! Go search for your livelihood! You’re hungry, naked, and tired! You can’t even govern yourselves, yet you come to threaten the world? What have you contributed? Only slaughter and bloodshed! Meanwhile, they’ve given us the microphone I’m speaking into, the YouTube where this sermon will be posted, this camera…”

Maintaining Balance: Navigating Extremes in Our Approach to Faith and Disbelief

We address these differences because our enemies’ schemes have been successful in leading many Muslim children to hate their Islamic identity, deny their connection to their nation, and even reject the religion they have been misled into believing is the source of their struggles. Some have fallen into atheism or become agents against their own faith.

We discuss these differences because our approach to other nations has become imbalanced: on one side, there are Muslims who have been psychologically and culturally defeated by other nations, and on the other, there are those who, due to the oppression we suffer, treat all non-Muslims the same. They fail to distinguish between militant enemies who obstruct ALLAH’s path and seek to enslave people, and the masses of non-Muslims who, like us, are victims of these forces.

As Muslims, our role is to rescue them and guide them from the worship of creation to the worship of the Creator, from the injustice of false religions to the justice of Islam, from the constraints of this world to the boundless rewards of both this world and the Hereafter. We should feel mercy and compassion toward them.

We address this topic to maintain balance, so we do not fall into the extremes of declaring Muslims disbelievers unjustly, nor do we fail to recognize clear disbelief when it appears. Both extremes are misguided. As the Quran says: “Is one who walks fallen on his face better guided or one who walks erect on a straight path?”

Then is one who walks fallen on his face better guided or one who walks erect on a straight path?4
(Suraat ‘Al-Mulk, 67:22)

Addressing the Subtle Dangers of Misbelief and the Struggle to Uphold Islamic Truth

We discuss these differences because this topic is often approached emotionally, influenced by pressures, psychological complexes, and stereotypes that have been ingrained in the minds of Muslims over many decades. This leads to verbal disputes where the truth gets lost between the two sides, and many fail to realize they might be saying dangerous things about their faith that could potentially distance them from it without even being aware.

We address these differences because many people have begun making statements and holding beliefs that amount to disbelief, yet neither they nor those around them understand the severity of this danger and its consequences. For instance, you might see someone who curses ALLAH in anger or frustration, yet his Muslim wife remains with him, living unlawfully with him. Her family knows but does nothing to separate them, and she bears children who carry his name, despite the unlawful nature of their relationship.

faith and disbelief
Navigating the storm of confusion and misconceptions, the light of clear faith guides us from misunderstanding to unwavering pride in Islam.

We discuss this topic because we have reached a point of estrangement from Islam and the distortion of core concepts, where anyone speaking these truths is met with disapproval from those who have a psychological complex about the word “disbeliever” in any of its forms.

We talk about these differences so that, once the concepts become clear to you, you will come to love the entire Quran and feel no discomfort when reading any part of it. Before, when you read verses commanding firmness toward disbelievers, something in your heart might have troubled you.

We discuss this difference because we often make educational mistakes that unintentionally diminish the value of Islam in the hearts of our children. We may not even realize it, nor see the connection between these actions and the broader consequences.

Finally, we address this topic so that you may come to realize the greatness of being a Muslim. Do not settle for anything less than the highest of morals that are befitting of your identity as a Muslim.

In short, the goals of our series are: to fill you with pride in your Islam, while maintaining balance, humility, and mercy toward others. We aim to cultivate the virtues that will enable you to stay at the pinnacle of this great faith, as part of the best nation ever raised for humanity. You should come to hate disbelief, understand the dangers that lead to it, and approach it with the utmost caution. Most importantly, you should warn your family, loved ones, and all people about it.

Living with Pride in Islam: Navigating Relationships with Non-Muslims Without Compromise

I speak to you about this topic, my brothers and sisters, as someone who has lived in both America and Muslim countries, and who has interacted with non-Muslims in various roles – as teachers, colleagues, neighbors, and students. Throughout this time, I have maintained pride in my Islam, found peace with myself, treated others with respect, and received respect in return. I benefited from them, and they benefited from me. I remained clear in my position toward them, never compromising on my religion, but rather inviting them to the path of ALLAH.

I love for you, my brothers and sisters, what I love for myself, which is why I present this series. We will, ALLAH willing, address the points mentioned, and we ask ALLAH for acceptance. We pray with the words our Prophet (Peace be upon Him, His family, and companions) taught us, and I ask you to pray with it:

O ALLAH, LORD of Gabriel, Michael, and Israfil, Creator of the heavens and earth, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, YOU judge between YOUR servants concerning that wherein they differ. Guide us to the truth regarding what is differed upon, by YOUR permission. Indeed, YOU guide whom YOU will to a straight path


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim ↩︎
  3. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  4. Saheeh International translation ↩︎

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