
The Vital Importance of Praying in the Mosque: A Reminder for Muslims


This is the ninth part in a series of articles that discuss the prayer in Islam, its correct form, how it should be performed correctly, the profound significance of mosque prayer for Muslims. You can click here to read the full series, ALLAH willing.

Answering the Call: The Importance of Mosque Prayer

When was the last time we heard the call to prayer while already being in the mosque? What is the state of our youth with the mosque? Didn’t the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) say,

1“The Masjid is the house of every person who has Taqwa (fear of ALLAH)”?

Prayer is more than a series of movements—it’s a state of being, starting with the Adhan. When the Adhan is called, it’s as if a state of urgency is declared in the world, and nothing is greater than our LORD. At the first “ALLAHu Akbar”, everything should pause, and the believer repeats after the Muezzin to awaken their heart for prayer.

After performing Wudu’ (ablution), the believer becomes spiritually illuminated and enters into prayer. At this moment, it’s essential to understand the true meaning of prayer, especially congregational prayer, and what it means to enter the house of the King, glorified and exalted be HE. In that moment, the believer is a guest of ALLAH, and it is fitting for ALLAH to honor HIS guest.

The State of Our Youth and Mosques

How many of our youth take congregational prayer in the mosque lightly, especially the Fajr (dawn) prayer? If we could see inside the mosques from above, how many young people would we find there?

mosque prayer
A fictional image of Muslims performing congregational prayer.

As mentioned before, many of our pious predecessors never met the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) or His companions, yet they understood that prayer is the greatest connection between the servant and their LORD. It is the most profound aspect of their relationship and the most honorable way to approach ALLAH, the Mighty and Majestic.

Reviving the Mosque Prayer

We must revive the practice of praying in the mosque, especially among our youth. The mosque should be the heart of our spiritual lives, where we strengthen both our faith and community ties. When we hear the call to prayer, we should feel a sense of urgency, setting aside worldly concerns to answer ALLAH’s invitation.

Each visit to the mosque is a visit to ALLAH’s house, where we are HIS honored guests. Seeing it this way transforms how we approach prayer and mosque attendance—it’s not a burden, but a privilege and an opportunity to connect with our Creator in a profound way.

Let’s work to make our mosques vibrant centers of worship again, encouraging one another, especially our youth, to attend regularly for prayers. In doing so, we follow the example of our pious predecessors and strengthen both our faith and the Muslim community.

May ALLAH help us understand the true importance of prayer and give us the strength to make the mosque central in our lives. Ameen.


  • Dr. Ahmed ElArabi. فاهم 36 | سلسلة تذوق العبادات – (1) الصلاة | مع د. أحمد العربي. YouTube Video.
  1. Al Mu’jam Al Kabir Tabarani ↩︎
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