
Islamic Prayer: Strengthening Your Relationship with ALLAH


This is the third part in a series of articles that discuss the Islamic prayer, how it should be performed correctly, and how the pious predecessors (the righteous early Muslims) performed their prayers. You can click here to read the full series, ALLAH willing.

The Unparalleled Significance of the Islamic Prayer

The Islamic prayer is, without doubt, the most beneficial worldly remedy for the soul. However, its greatest aspect lies in being the strongest connection and the grandest covenant between a servant and their LORD. In essence, the Islamic prayer is the embodiment of our relationship with ALLAH.

Nothing surpasses prayer in defining a person’s connection with ALLAH. The quality of one’s prayer directly reflects the quality of their relationship with ALLAH. The more a servant strives to perfect and improve their prayer, the more it strengthens and supports their bond with ALLAH.

Prayer: The Representation of Faith

ALLAH, in HIS infinite wisdom, referred to prayer in the Quran as the entire religion itself. How so? When the people of Prophet Shu’ayb said to Him,

“…O Shuʿayb, does your prayer [i.e., religion] command you that we should leave what our fathers worship…1
(Suurat Huud, 11:87)

Chapter Huud: Verse – 87 – سورة هود: الآية

The term “your prayer” here, as explained by the scholars of Tafsir, means “your religion”. They expressed the entirety of religion through prayer, highlighting its supreme importance in both worldly and religious affairs. Indeed, prayer stands as the most significant practical pillar of our faith.

Furthermore, ALLAH referred to prayer as faith itself. In the Quran, HE states,

“…And never would ALLAH have caused you to lose your faith [i.e., your previous prayers]…2
(Suurat ‘Al-Baqarah, 2:143)

Chapter ‘Al-Baqarah: Verse – 143 – سورة البقرة: الآية

The word “faith” in this context refers to the prayers offered towards Jerusalem before the change of Qibla to the Ka’bah. When the direction of prayer changed, the companions feared their previous prayers might have been in vain. ALLAH reassured them with this verse, referring to their prayers as their faith.

Islamic Prayer
A fictional image of Muslims praying in a mosque.

Prayer as the Measure of Faith

In reality, prayer is the essence of our religiosity. This serves as a crucial reminder for all committed Muslims and those striving for righteousness: “Our level of devotion is reflected in our prayer, and the quality of your prayer is the measure of your faith“.

Imam Ahmad, may ALLAH have mercy on him, beautifully stated,

The presence of Islam in your heart is proportional to the presence of prayer in your heart3

Ibn Al-Qayyim added

“If you wish to know your worth in ALLAH’s sight, examine the worth of prayer in your heart4

The Centrality of Prayer in Islamic Practice

While commitment to seeking knowledge, memorizing the Quran, calling others to ALLAH, and fostering brotherhood in faith are all praiseworthy acts, the truest measure of your faith lies in your prayer. How is your prayer? Is it disciplined? Do you observe its timings meticulously? For men, do you consistently pray in congregation? How is your khushu’ (focus and humility) during prayer? Are you continually striving to improve and perfect it?

Even if you’re dedicated to other aspects of faith like memorizing the Quran, seeking knowledge, or engaging in da’wah, never neglect your prayer. Prayer is a lifelong journey of improvement. We live our entire lives striving to perfect our prayer, enhance our ruku’ (bowing), beautify our sujood (prostration), and refine our recitation of Al-Fatihah.

The Ultimate Purpose of Religious Knowledge

Why do we seek Islamic knowledge? To gain a deeper understanding of the Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah, and to learn how to enhance our worship. Knowledge is not sought merely for its own sake. Similarly, we memorize the Quran to enrich our prayers with varied recitations, aiding our concentration and allowing us to lengthen our prayers, following the practice of our pious predecessors.

Remember, the Islamic prayer is the truest reflection of the connection with ALLAH. Continuously strive to improve it, and you’ll find your relationship with the Almighty growing stronger and more profound with each passing day. Let your prayer be the cornerstone of your faith and the measure of your devotion to ALLAH.


  • Dr. Ahmed ElArabi. فاهم 36 | سلسلة تذوق العبادات – (1) الصلاة | مع د. أحمد العربي. YouTube Video.
  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. The Book of the Etiquette of PrayerIbn Al-Qayyim ↩︎
  4. The Book of the Etiquette of PrayerIbn Al-Qayyim ↩︎
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