Current Situations of Muslims

Reflections on the Zionist Attack in Lebanon: A Muslim Perspective on Complex Realities

Introduction to the Conflict

Salam Alaykum. Regarding the Zionist attack on southern Lebanon, I would like to summarize what I see as the proper position in these points:

The Scale of the Zionist Attack and Our Vulnerability

First: The scale of events is generally too big for us to stop at emotional reactions and ask “Should we be happy and gloat, or should we be sad and sympathetic?” about areas known to be under Hezbollah’s control. It seems that many of us in communities asking this question will soon face our turn. Remaining in a position of helpless onlookers is a warning sign that should make our priority seeking to lift the state of weakness and helplessness, rather than waiting our turn to be slaughtered.

Lack of Support and Turning to ALLAH’s Mercy

Second: The Zionist attack in the region, supported by world powers, is not met with any support among the people, not even Iran, which some rely on. It has clearly shown its avoidance of entering a full-scale war, even if the price is abandoning its allies. If it has abandoned its ideological and political allies in Lebanon, how can any good be expected from it for Sunni people when it has already gone to extremes in killing them in other arenas?

Faced with this, we have no recourse but to turn to the mercy of ALLAH Almighty. HE has clearly stated the qualities of those who deserve HIS mercy, saying:

“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakāh and obey ALLAH and HIS Messenger. Those – ALLAH will have mercy upon them. Indeed, ALLAH is Exalted in Might and Wise”1

(Suurat ‘At-Tawbah)

The first condition is faith and Muslim unity. As for division, conflict, and exchanging insults and accusations based on our emotional stance on what is happening in southern Lebanon, this certainly does not achieve the state of alliance nor ALLAH’s command when HE said:

“And hold firmly to the rope of ALLAH all together and do not become divided”2

(Suurat ‘Alicimraan)

Matters of Agreement and Disagreement in Light of Zionist Aggression

Third: There are matters we must agree on and matters that allow for disagreement. There are matters where we excuse each other without denial, and other matters where we deny the mistaken one in a proper way without ill thoughts or dropping the obligatory alliance between believers. Among the matters we must agree on is that the Zionists and those who support them are enemies of Muslims, and that those who killed Sunni people in Syria, tortured them, participated in their capture and violation of their honor are also enemies of Muslims. Their apparent enmity towards Zionists in Palestine does not erase their crime in Syria, for Muslims’ blood is equal in value.

We don’t need to remind of their past crimes here. If you don’t remember what the so-called Hezbollah did in “Al-Qusayr” and elsewhere in Syria, their crimes are still present. Even while facing Zionist attacks in southern Lebanon, they went on to bomb our people in Idlib and spilled the blood of their elderly, women, and children few days ago.

Therefore, among the things we must agree on is that the joy of those who rejoice at the pain afflicting these who call themselves Hezbollah and their gloating over them is not loyalty to Zionists, nor alignment with Arab rulers, nor political stupidity, nor lack of chivalry, nor belittling the suffering of our people in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

However, at the same time, we remind those who rejoice at what befalls the aggressors from Iran’s party of the overall picture and the many pains that taint this joy: The pain because this Zionist attack does not only affect Iran’s party in Lebanon but also affects our Sunni people, and some Sunni preachers and common people have been assassinated in this bombing. It may also affect people who are not Sunni but are not hostile to Muslims, do not fight them, and are not satisfied with what the criminal haters do in Syria. We prefer the guidance and familiarity of these who do not show hostility to Muslims rather than them being killed by Zionists.

Muslim unity and Zionist Attack
An illustrations of Muslim men united, holding hands in a peaceful and calm atmosphere.

Then the pain that we are waiting for oppressors to strike oppressors instead of us as Muslims being the ones who triumph for the oppressed and take their revenge. And the pain because the cowardly Zionists rejoiced at the damage they inflicted on Iran’s party in Lebanon, and we do not like these cursed ones to rejoice at anything, neither them nor those who support them.

Also among what pains in these events is that what is happening in southern Lebanon harms Lebanon in general and burdens it beyond what it is already burdened and destroyed. These waves of displacement along with the country’s poverty and the Zionist attack on Lebanon in length and width means harming its people in general and repeating the tragedies we see in Gaza. May ALLAH relieve its distress.

And among what pains, is that the Zionists were partially preoccupied with the northern front, and this gives a breather, even if very weak, to our brothers in Gaza who wish for anything to come to distract the criminal Zionists from anywhere. So the Zionist attack breaking the thorn of Iran’s party helps them to devote themselves to criminality against the people of Gaza and Palestine. What befalls Iran’s party in Lebanon comes in this context. If it were in the context of their crimes against our people in Syria, it would have been easier for the Muslim unity to take a unified emotional stance towards what befalls them.

Mixed Feelings and Complexities of the Situation

Fourth: For all this, it is not surprising that feelings are mixed in such a situation. This is not schizophrenia or confusion, but the Zionist attack calls for mixed feelings. What overwhelms us is pain because things in this attack are ultimately going in favor of the Zionists and according to their plans. Helping people arrange their thoughts and separate entangled feelings from each other and understand them all helps Muslim unity and prevent them from falling into loyalty to any of the enemies of Muslims.

Dealing with Families Displaced by Zionist Attacks

Fifth: A question came to me from brothers in Lebanon: “What is our position on the families of Iran’s party displaced by the Zionist attack from the south to our areas, while we know that their sons are now in Syria oppressing Sunni people? People here have differed about them between calling for harshness towards these families and calling for embracing and consoling them”. I say you, my brothers in Lebanon, are more capable of knowing the conditions of these individuals.

There may be among them those who benefit from kindness, and you convey to them a clear message that we are kind to you religiously for the sake of ALLAH Almighty and we expect you to stop your sons and brothers from aggression against our people in Syria, and it is likely that this will benefit with them. And among them are those who may be known for malicious nature and kindness only increases them in tyranny, so you must keep in mind what serves the call of these and serves Muslim unity your brothers in creed from Sunni people in Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine.

Conclusion: Seeking ALLAH’s Mercy and Muslim Unity

In conclusion, we return to what we started with: The events are much bigger than stopping at the emotional stance, and none of us is safe from our turn coming. There is no refuge except by achieving the qualities deserving ALLAH’s mercy:

“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakāh and obey ALLAH and HIS Messenger. Those – ALLAH will have mercy upon them. Indeed, ALLAH is Exalted in Might and Wise”3

(Suurat ‘At-Tawbah)

So faith, alliance with believers and supporting them with all we can, enjoining good and forbidding evil in all its political, social, and military forms and bearing the consequences of that, and obeying ALLAH in all aspects of life, perhaps ALLAH Almighty will have mercy on us and save us. O ALLAH, prepare for this nation a matter of guidance in which Your allies are honored and Your enemies are humiliated, and make for us a share in this honor. And peace be upon you and the mercy of ALLAH Almighty and HIS blessings.


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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