Fundamentals of Faith

The Purpose of Life: Part Three

Aligning Our Worldly Goals with the Ultimate Goal of Pleasing ALLAH


Purpose of Life in Islam begins with aligning our worldly goals with the ultimate aim of pleasing ALLAH. In this third and final part of our series on “The Purpose of Life”, we continue exploring aligning our worldly goals with the ultimate aim of pleasing ALLAH can transform our lives. If you haven’t read Part One and Part Two, we encourage you to do so for a complete understanding.

When we have a greater purpose of life—the pleasure of ALLAH Almighty—we can still achieve interim objectives, but with a consistent motivation driving us: seeking ALLAH’s approval. For instance, a student might aim to earn a degree, not out of arrogance or to cause corruption on earth, but to use that knowledge to:

  • Support themselves without needing to ask others for help.
  • Be productive and assist their parents, loved ones, and friends who may be facing difficulties.
  • Benefit the Muslim community by exemplifying someone who cares about both their faith and worldly responsibilities.

Such a person, motivated by the pleasure of ALLAH in their studies, becomes a positive role model for youth.

A Real-Life Example of Pleasing ALLAH Through Actions

Take Dr. Eyad Qunaibi (the original speaker in the video that inspired this topic) as an example of someone embodying the purpose of life by striving to please ALLAH. He was top of his class in both his bachelor’s and doctorate degrees, achieving outstanding marks. Whenever he opened a book, he would say:

O ALLAH, benefit me with what YOU have taught me, and benefit others through me

He believed that the knowledge he gained should be transformed into benefits for people. While one might say he wanted to influence others, it wasn’t about becoming an influencer with millions of followers. As he mentioned, it pained him to see Muslim youth, both boys and girls, living heedlessly of ALLAH Almighty, and he wanted to make a positive impact.

This sincere motivation led him to create and share videos (one of which inspired this topic), write articles, interact with people, and speak to others to influence them positively. As he noted, this approach might make you well-known and loved, but more importantly, it helps you achieve ALLAH’s pleasure and fosters genuine motivation.

The Difference in Motivation

Contrast this with someone who says, “I want to have 25 or 30 million followers”. When you ask about their motivation, they might say they want to become famous. But then what? They might believe fame will bring them happiness, but that’s not guaranteed. Even if it does, the happiness is often temporary.

On the other hand, a person who strives to positively influence others and bring them closer to ALLAH Almighty will find that ALLAH grants them acceptance on earth if their actions are sincerely for HIS sake. They may not be famous, but they are content, at peace, and maintain a strong relationship with ALLAH.

Aligning Worldly Ambitions with the Greatest Purpose of Life

Someone might aim to start a company and hire employees to support households lawfully. They don’t want foreign capitalist companies exploiting their country’s people, forcing them to work under harsh conditions with low salaries, dictating dress codes for female employees, or preventing male employees from attending Friday prayers.

By establishing their own company, they can:

  • Provide decent salaries, helping employees support their families in a halal way.
  • Uplift the community, contributing positively to society.
  • Seek ALLAH’s pleasure by aiding others.

This approach not only benefits the individual but also aligns with seeking ALLAH’s approval.

Purpose of Life
A fictional image of a small startup company where only Muslim women are working.

Misguided Goals and Their Consequences

Consider someone whose sole purpose of life is to build muscles. They might resort to harmful practices like taking protein injections that damage their body because their primary focus was physical appearance. This person forgets the poet’s wise words:

O servant of the body, how much you toil in its service,
You’ve spent your life in what’s bound to perish.
Turn towards the soul and perfect its virtues,
For you’re human by the soul, not by the body

Such a person is spiritually empty, neglecting their soul and the Hereafter. Eventually, they might turn to intoxicants or drugs, destroying the very body they spent years building. In contrast, someone whose greatest purpose of life is the pleasure of ALLAH preserves and strengthens their body to aid them in worship and obedience.

The Central Point: The Greatest Goal Directs All Others

It’s crucial to remember that the greatest purpose of life—seeking the pleasure of ALLAH—is not a substitute for legitimate worldly ambitions. There are, of course, trivial goals, like building an excessively luxurious palace with unnecessary features. Such objectives are not worth pursuing.

However, when your primary aim is ALLAH’s pleasure, you might naturally let go of meaningless goals. Legitimate ambitions, on the other hand, are not replaced but rather directed, guided, and unified under the overarching purpose of pleasing ALLAH. This alignment turns them into steps toward achieving your ultimate objective.

Continuing the Analogy

Think of your worldly goals as scattered pieces of metal. When you bring a strong magnet—the pleasure of ALLAH—near them, they all align and attach themselves to it. This magnet doesn’t eliminate the metal pieces; it organizes them, giving them direction and purpose.

Similarly, by making ALLAH’s pleasure your central focus, all your other legitimate goals:

  • Gain clarity and direction.
  • Become means to a greater end.
  • Are infused with spiritual significance.

We hope this series has provided valuable insights into understanding and pursuing the true purpose of life from an Islamic perspective.


  1. Original Version ↩︎
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