
Should Muslims Celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Mawlid An-Nabi)?


Mawlid An-Nabi, the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, raises an important question: Should Muslims celebrate Mawlid? ALLAH has opened the door of repentance for all, and as long as a servant of ALLAH is alive and conscious, every day is an opportunity for celebration. This daily celebration comes through recognizing the blessing of life and the chance for ALLAH’s acceptance.

Following the Prophet’s Footsteps is the True Celebration

One may ask, “How should one celebrate being alive and having the opportunity to seek ALLAH’s forgiveness?” The answer lies in following the footsteps of the Messenger of ALLAH, peace be upon Him, with precision. His companions, may ALLAH be pleased with them, followed his example carefully, walking in His path both literally and figuratively.

There are accounts of companions, after the Prophet’s passing, performing Tawaf (circling the Kaaba) barefoot, not as a Sunnah, but in the hope that their foot might touch a place where the Prophet’s foot had once touched. Abdullah ibn Umar, may ALLAH be pleased with him, is reported to have dismounted his ride and prayed two units of prayer at a specific location. When asked why, he replied, “I do not know, except that I saw the Prophet, peace be upon Him, do the same, so I followed what He did”.

The true celebration of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, is found in this devotion and adherence to His actions. For example, on the day of the conquest of Mecca, Abdullah ibn Umar followed the Prophet into the Kaaba and later inquired where the Prophet had prayed so he could do the same. This careful emulation reflects the companions’ deep love and respect for the Prophet.

Modern Celebrations May Neglect Continuous Remembrance

In contrast, modern birthday celebrations often revolve around gift-giving, which is intended to show love and remembrance for the celebrant. However, this practice also implies that the person being celebrated is only remembered on that particular day. Similarly, when people designate a single day to celebrate the Prophet (Mawlid An-Nabi), peace be upon Him, it may suggest that they have neglected to remember Him for the rest of the year.

When people designate a single day to celebrate the Prophet (Mawlid An-Nabi), peace be upon Him, it may suggest that they have neglected to remember Him for the rest of the year.
Modern birthday celebrations often revolve around gift-giving, which is intended to show love and remembrance for the celebrant

Moreover, it is important to remember that the day widely celebrated as the Prophet’s birthday is also the day of His death. Celebrating such an occasion would be akin to celebrating the anniversary of the passing of a loved one, which many would find inappropriate. This reasoning aligns with both logical and religious perspectives, even before considering any textual evidence.

Adhering to the Sunnah: Love Through Obedience

ALLAH Almighty commands:

And whatever the Messenger has given you—take; and what he has forbidden you—refrain from1 (Suurat ‘Al-Ḥashr).

Chapter ‘Al-Ḥashr: Verse – 7 – سورة الحشر: الآية

Nowhere did the Prophet, peace be upon Him, instruct His followers to celebrate His birthday. Neither did He celebrate his own, nor did His companions gather to commemorate the event. Can anyone claim to love the Prophet more than his companions did?

The companions attained a high status through their unwavering love and loyalty to the Prophet, peace be upon Him, as exemplified by their following His teachings and actions. ALLAH states:

Say, [O Muhammad], ‘If you love ALLAH, then follow me, [so] ALLAH will love you and forgive you your sins. And ALLAH is Forgiving and Merciful’2 (Suurat ‘Ali-‘Imraan).

Chapter ‘Ali-‘Imraan: Verse – 31 – سورة آل عمران: الآية

This following of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, earned them ALLAH’s forgiveness and love.

These companions, who deeply loved the Prophet and were willing to sacrifice their lives for him, never established a special celebration for His birthday after His passing. Neither Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, nor any of the ten companions promised Paradise celebrated Mawlid An-Nabi.

Historical records indicate that the practice of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday did not emerge until after the third Islamic century. The Prophet, peace be upon Him, stated in an authentic hadith,

The best of people are my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them3.

Saheeh ‘Al-Bukharii – Page 2862 – N°- 6429 – صحيح البخاري – صفحة 2862 – رقم

This refers to the companions, their followers (tabi’een), and the followers of the followers (atba’ al-tabi’een). Within these first three generations lived the four great Imams—Abu Hanifa, Malik ibn Anas, Al-Shafi’i, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal—and other scholars like Al-Bukhari and Muslim. None of these esteemed scholars or jurists celebrated the Prophet’s birthday.

While the intention behind such celebrations may be good, intentions alone are not enough. ALLAH says:

So whoever hopes for the meeting with his LORD—let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his LORD anyone4 (Suraat ‘Al-Kahf).

Chapter ‘Al-Kahf: Verse – 110 – سورة الكهف: الآية

The righteous work must be in accordance with the Sunnah, and the intention must be sincere.

It is essential to honor the Prophet, peace be upon Him, not just on a designated day, but every moment by following His teachings. Upholding His Sunnah is the true sign of love. Introducing practices not authorized by ALLAH or His Messenger, peace be upon Him, under the guise of celebration is misguided. As believers, it is important to remain steadfast and adhere to what ALLAH has commanded.

In summary, true love for the Prophet, peace be upon Him, is demonstrated through following his teachings and actions, not by introducing new practices. By doing so, believers can earn the intercession of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, on the Day of Judgment and ALLAH’s eternal pleasure.


  • Yassine El Amri. ذكرى المولد النبوي.. هل نحتفل أم لا؟ || ذ. ياسين العمري. YouTube Video.
  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Saheeh ‘Al-Bukharii ↩︎
  4. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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