
A State Is Essential for Every Message


This is the first part in a series of articles on “Lessons from Hijrah“. You can click here to read the full series, ALLAH willing.

In this article, we address the following questions:

  • What happens to an idea if it doesn’t establish a state?
  • Why does the bearer of a message seek power?
  • How does authority impact ideas?
  • Where in the Quran and the Sunnah do we find the necessity of a state?

In these short articles, we reflect on the noble prophetic migration (Hijrah), focusing on the need for a state to support a message. Every call, idea, or message can only be fully realized through a state that provides authority, governance, and influence. Authority, in fact, is both the key tool for reform and the greatest potential source of corruption.

Any idea or message that does not establish a state will eventually wither, shrink, and fade. At best, such ideas remain as philosophies debated by scholars in academic settings or become neglected beliefs in isolated corners. They may persist as philosophical methods or Sufi paths practiced by those detached from life, who do not shape society but are shaped by it. This is the fate of ideas without a state.

The Necessity of Authority for the Message

Authority is crucial for the bearer of an idea or message because the idea can only be fully realized when it influences society and becomes part of everyday life. A righteous person committed to this idea is still part of society and cannot constantly live in opposition to it. Over time, the society will overpower him, as even the notion of righteousness is shaped by the societal system.

When the corrupt dominate, the righteous shrink and decrease, and when the righteous prevail, the corrupt fade away. An idea is fully realized in real life when it holds authority and governs. This governance ultimately reveals whether the idea is suitable for life or not.

Throughout history, the most influential ideas are those that established states. As their states expanded, the ideas grew stronger, more effective, and more widely spread. Notably, great civilizations were built on great religions, a point made by thinkers like Ibn Khaldun, Arnold Toynbee, Gustave Le Bon, and British historian Niall Ferguson.

Hijrah: Transition from Message to State

The Hijrah marked the transition from the call to establishing a state, from delivering a message to governance and authority, and from theory to practical implementation in daily life. Every messenger seeks authority because it allows the message to be realized and implemented. This is a universal concept, even in psychology and sociology, where the profound influence of authority on people is undeniable.

A fictional image of Hijrah to establish a state
A fictional image of Hijrah

Famous social psychologists like Philip Zimbardo, who authored “The Lucifer Effect“, and Solomon Asch, have conducted experiments that demonstrate the power of authority in shaping people’s thoughts and changing their ideas.

This concept is also found in the Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), and the sayings of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and others. ALLAH Almighty said:

When the victory of ALLAH has come and the conquest, And you see the people entering into the religion of ALLAH in multitudes1
(Suraat ‘An-Nasr 110:1-2)

Chapter ‘An-Nasr: Verse – 1 – 2 – سورة النصر: الآيات

Victory brings people into the religion of ALLAH in large numbers, not the other way around.

ALLAH also said:

Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought2
(Suraat Al-Hadiid 57:10)

Chapter ‘Al-Hadiid: Verse – 10 – سورة الحديد: الآية

Because after the conquest, striving and giving becomes easier.

The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said, as narrated in Bukhari and Muslim:

“Had only ten Jews (amongst their chiefs) believe me, all the Jews would definitely have believed me”3

He was referring to ten specific Jewish leaders in Medina. Had they accepted Islam, the rest of the Jews would have followed, as people tend to follow the religion of their leaders.

The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) also said in an authentic hadith:

“I only fear for my Ummah from the misguiding Imams (leaders)”4

In Bukhari, our master Abu Bakr was asked, “How long shall we enjoy this good order (i.e. Islamic religion) which ALLAH has brought after the period of ignorance?” He replied:

“You will enjoy it as long as your Imams (leaders) keep on abiding by its rules and regulations”5

referring to the importance of righteous rulers.

Our master Umar told Ziyad ibn Hudayr, in an authentic narration:

“Do you know what demolishes Islam?”
He mentioned three things, among them: “the rule of imams (leaders) who lead men astray”6

This can ruin the religion.

Our master Uthman ibn Affan said:

“Indeed, ALLAH restrains through authority what HE does not restrain through the Quran”7


Hijrah was essential as it transformed Islam from just a message in hearts and minds into a practical reality in everyday life.

We will continue in the second part, ALLAH willing, where we will answer these questions:

  • Was the Meccan period solely a time of upbringing?
  • What was the first priority on the Prophet’s (PbuH) agenda, where he spent the most time?
  • The Prophet (PbuH) nearly risked His life in His eagerness for certain leaders to accept Islam… Who were they?
  • How does the Meccan stage reveal the Prophet’s (PbuH) strategic vision?


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Sahih Al-Bukhari ↩︎
  4. Jami` at-Tirmidhi ↩︎
  5. Sahih Al-Bukhari ↩︎
  6. Mishkat al-Masabih ↩︎
  7. At-Tamhid (sharh al-Muwatta) by Imam ibn Abdil-Barr ↩︎
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