Faith vs. Disbelief

The Divine Foundation: Understanding Loyalty and Disavowal (Al-Wala wal-Bara) in Islam


As the eleventh installment in the “Be Proud of Your Islam” series, this article delves into the Islamic principle of loyalty and disavowal. The concept stands distinct from worldly allegiances, being firmly rooted in devotion to ALLAH, truth, and justice. Unlike loyalties founded on racial, geographical, tribal, or political grounds, the Islamic understanding of loyalty and disavowal remains accessible to all humanity and upholds justice even for those outside its sphere. You can access the complete series by Clicking here.

The Nature of Human Allegiances

The bonds of loyalty and belonging emerge when people unite around shared concepts, forming groups based on various commonalities such as faith, geographic location, ethnicity, tribe, language, profession, sports team allegiance, political affiliation, or shared objectives. These bonds naturally lead to varying degrees of disavowal from other groups when interests and desires come into conflict.

This discourse examines how loyalty and disavowal based on these conventional foundations can lead to oppression, followed by an exploration of Islam’s approach to establishing loyalty on a supreme foundation. The discussion highlights the distinctive features of Islamic loyalty that set it apart from other forms, while also analyzing how the international system works to dismantle loyalties and affiliations that resist its influence over societies, particularly Islamic communities.

The strength of any group, from the fundamental unit of family to larger social structures, is enhanced through loyalty and belonging. Members unite through these bonds to pursue common benefits and defend against shared challenges. When individuals unite under a distinctive characteristic, their collective strength stems from member solidarity, cohesion, and dedication to their unifying principles. The group’s ability to achieve its shared goals and uphold its founding values increases proportionally with the strength of this cohesion.

The Problem of Worldly Allegiances

However, when different groups’ interests and desires inevitably clash, prejudice and disavowal manifest between them. Individuals aligned with one group naturally distance themselves from opposing groups to varying degrees, prioritizing their own group’s interests above others.

A stark illustration of this phenomenon occurred when British football supporters violently attacked Italian supporters following Italy’s victory, with footage of their barbaric conduct spreading widely. Such conflicts have occasionally escalated to severe proportions, as exemplified by the war between El Salvador and Honduras that resulted in thousands of casualties.

Tribal loyalty demonstrates this dynamic clearly, as members maintain steadfast allegiance to their tribe. During inter-tribal conflicts, some members support their tribesmen even when they are clearly in the wrong, exhibiting complete disavowal from the opposing tribe.

In political contexts, deeply committed party members display strong allegiance to their party while maintaining varying degrees of disavowal from other parties. They actively work to advance their party’s interests, often at the expense of other parties by undermining their popularity. The intensity of this loyalty is such that members risk expulsion simply for actions that might elevate the standing of rival parties.

National loyalty presents perhaps the starkest example, as citizens are expected to fight for their country in times of war, regardless of whether their nation is the oppressor or the oppressed. Similarly, loyalty based on ethnic identity has historically fueled devastating conflicts, resulting in tens of millions of deaths throughout human history.

When loyalty is based on misguided religious beliefs, it can drive adherents to disavow people of other faiths in ways that manifest as oppression and aggression, as evidenced by historical events like the Crusades.

Even individuals who reject loyalty based on traditional foundations will inevitably practice some form of loyalty and disavowal, if only in pursuit of personal interests and desires. This concept represents an intrinsic aspect of human social dynamics that cannot be escaped. While loyalty and disavowal appear in various forms throughout human societies, they typically stem from worldly values that hold no genuine merit in distinguishing between people, such as geographic boundaries, skin color, race, or language.

Alternatively, they may be rooted in belief systems that have undergone human distortion, losing their transcendent nature and becoming essentially worldly in perspective. These manifestations of loyalty and disavowal lack regulation by the principles of truth and justice, instead being constructed upon artificial distinctions between people that ultimately lead to oppression.

The Unique Characteristics of Islamic Loyalty and Disavowal

Unlike worldly forms of loyalty and disavowal that operate without divine guidance, often manifesting as blind allegiance without standards of truth and justice, these systems frequently remain closed and discriminatory. They base themselves on immutable characteristics, as seen in discrimination against Black people, leading to the oppression of those outside their loyalty circles.

The Islamic principle of loyalty and disavowal, by contrast, distinguishes itself through four key characteristics:

  1. It stands on divine, transcendent foundations
  2. It operates within the framework of truth and justice
  3. It remains accessible to all humanity
  4. It maintains justice toward those outside its circle

The Islamic concept establishes loyalty and disavowal on a transcendent foundation, rooting it in servitude to ALLAH – a perfect combination of love and complete submission.

The love for ALLAH represents an innate disposition embedded within every human soul, regardless of color, race, or geographical location. Islam addresses this natural inclination through preserved divine revelation, serving as a celestial connection that unites people through meaningful truth, bringing them together after being divided by worldly loyalties.

As ALLAH states:

And hold firmly to the rope of ALLAH all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of ALLAH upon you – when you were enemies and HE brought your hearts together and you became, by HIS favor, brothers1
(Suraat ‘Ali-‘Imraan, 3:103)

Through these dual elements – the natural disposition to love ALLAH and the preserved divine revelation from ALLAH – Islam establishes its bond of loyalty. This bond manifests as mutual support and love founded on the shared devotion to ALLAH, HIS worship, and HIS glorification.

The Foundation of True Love

The foundation of loyalty and disavowal in Islam rests on love for ALLAH, which represents a true value unlike other bases for loyalty and enmity. This primacy of love for ALLAH stems from a fundamental truth: ALLAH is loved for HIS essence and eternal attributes. The obligation to worship ALLAH precedes any blessings received, as worship is HIS right based on the perfection of HIS names and attributes.

With this deep understanding, devotion to ALLAH remains steadfast through both ease and hardship. Those who fail to grasp that ALLAH deserves love and worship for HIS essence and attributes – before any consideration of blessings – may waver and lose faith when faced with trials. However, those who love and worship ALLAH for HIS essence maintain their steadfastness and succeed, recognizing HIS worthiness of devotion in all circumstances. This becomes even more profound when considering that ALLAH brought creation into existence, bestowed countless blessings, will determine the final destiny of all, and has guided humanity toward eternal happiness.

This represents the true love of worship – loving ALLAH primarily for HIS essence and eternal attributes, and additionally for HIS blessings. No other being deserves such complete devotion, as these perfect attributes exist in no father, child, spouse, wealth, or any other creation. Logic dictates that no love should compete with love for ALLAH, as such competition would either prevent the fulfillment of HIS rights through obedience or lead to disobedience. Therefore, absolute loyalty must rationally belong to ALLAH alone.

As ALLAH declares:

ALLAH is the One who created you, then provided for you, then will cause you to die, and then will give you life. Are there any of your “partners” who does anything of that? Exalted is HE and high above what they associate with HIM2
(Suraat ‘Ar-Ruum, 30:40)

The Conditions of Salvific Love

For love of ALLAH to lead to salvation, it must align with HIS requirements rather than human desires. This entails dedicating worship-love exclusively to ALLAH while loving what HE loves and detesting what HE detests. Such alignment manifests in love for ALLAH’s religion, HIS messengers (Peace be upon Them), and the believers, accompanied by love for acts of obedience. It simultaneously requires hatred for disbelief, those who reject ALLAH, and disobedience to HIS commands. This framework establishes loyalty to faith and its adherents while maintaining disavowal from disbelief and its followers, subject to specific regulations that will be detailed in this series.

The deviation of other nations stems from a fundamental misunderstanding. While Jews, Christians, and followers of other faiths may indeed love ALLAH, they failed to love HIM in the manner HE prescribed for HIMSELF. Their distorted scriptures attributed characteristics unworthy of HIS perfect attributes that necessitate love. They compromised the exclusivity of worship-love by associating partners with ALLAH in aspects that demand humility, submission, reverence, and complete obedience – qualities befitting only ALLAH.

Their failure to align their love and hatred with ALLAH’s led them to reject messengers, show hostility toward believers, and embrace sins that ALLAH abhors. This reality reflects in ALLAH’s words:

And [yet], among the people are those who take other than ALLAH as equals [to HIM]. They love them as they [should] love ALLAH. But those who believe are stronger in love for ALLAH3
(Suraat ‘Al-Baqarah, 2:165)

Significantly, ALLAH acknowledges their claim to love HIM but rejects such love when it lacks exclusivity. Even for believing monotheists, reciprocation of ALLAH’s love requires more than mere beliefs and heart actions – it demands practical implementation:

Say, [O Muḥammad], “If you should love ALLAH, then follow Me, [so] ALLAH will love you…4
(Suraat ‘Ali-‘Imraan, 3:31)

Thus, the distinctive characteristic separating Muslims from adherents of various faiths lies in loving ALLAH according to HIS prescribed manner.

The Foundation of Islamic Loyalty

Islam establishes the principle of loyalty and disavowal upon this unshakeable foundation – the transcendent, innate concept of loving ALLAH as HE wishes to be loved. This love becomes life’s supreme motivating force, governing all aspects of love, hate, loyalty, disavowal, and conduct.

In a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, when a man asked the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) about the Hour of Judgment, the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) inquired about his preparation for it. The man admitted to minimal prayer, fasting, and charity, but declared his love for ALLAH and HIS Messenger. The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) responded, “You will be with those whom you love“.

These profound words deeply moved Anas bin Malik, who remarked, “We never rejoiced at anything as we rejoiced at the Prophet’s saying ‘You will be with whom you love‘. I love the Prophet (Peace be upon Him), Abu Bakr, and Umar, and I hope to be with them through my love for them even if I haven’t done deeds like theirs“.

This discussion carries immense significance – mastering this concept can become a means of entering Paradise and accompanying the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and H is noble companions.

A Muslim’s love for ALLAH must manifest in feelings toward and relationships with others. As ALLAH, the Mighty and Majestic, declares:

O you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion – ALLAH will bring forth [in place of them] a people HE will love and who will love HIM[who are] humble toward the believers, strong against the disbelievers…5
(Suraat ‘Al-Maa’idah, 5:54)

This directs believers to show humility toward fellow believers who share this divine love while maintaining dignity before those who reject loving ALLAH in the manner HE prescribed.

Signs of True Faith

ALLAH also states:

And [also for] those who were settled in the Home [i.e.,al-Madīnah] and [adopted] the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them…6
(Suraat ‘Al-Hashr, 59:9)

The Ansar’s genuine love for the Muhajirun demonstrated their authentic faith and sincere love for ALLAH.

The Prophet (Peace be upon Him) taught:

Whoever loves for ALLAH’s sake, hates for ALLAH’s sake, gives for ALLAH’s sake, and withholds for ALLAH’s sake has perfected faith7

Through love for ALLAH, believers discover the sweetness of faith, as the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) explained:

Three qualities, whoever has them will taste the sweetness of faith: that ALLAH and HIS Messenger are more beloved to him than anything else, that he loves a person only for ALLAH’s sake, and that he hates to return to disbelief as he hates to be thrown into fire8

This hadith emphasizes three dimensions: love for ALLAH and HIS Messenger, love for believers for ALLAH’s sake, and hatred for disbelief.

The true understanding of loyalty and disavowal in Islam manifests when a believer cherishes their humble Muslim brother – perhaps a simple laborer with dust-covered feet – upon seeing him respond to the call to prayer, perform ablution, and pray. When such a believer prefers this humble servant of ALLAH over a wealthy, intelligent, prestigious, or handsome polytheist, they have grasped the authentic meaning of loyalty and disavowal in Islam.

The Contrast of True and False Loyalty

The stark contrast becomes evident in those who fail to value their Muslim brother’s Islam while submitting to disbelievers for worldly gains such as position, wealth, or material superiority.

This illuminates the first distinctive feature of loyalty and disavowal in Islam: its divine foundation, built upon a transcendent, innate principle of true value – the love of ALLAH.

The second defining feature is its basis in truth and justice. This principle extends beyond mere civil identification or lineage – it does not automatically grant loyalty to someone simply because they were born Muslim, regardless of their actions. Though this concept appears self-evident, some Muslims misunderstand it. They incorrectly envision drawing geographical boundaries or classifying people based on religious designation in official documents, assuming that those within this circle deserve unconditional love, loyalty, and eternal happiness regardless of their actions, while those outside merit misery and mistreatment. This understanding is fundamentally flawed.

Since this system of love, hate, loyalty, and disavowal stems from love for the LORD of the Worlds and HIS names and attributes, it is significant that among HIS names is “the Truth” – “So exalted is ALLAH, the Sovereign, the Truth9 (Suraat ‘Al-Mu’minuun, 23:116). ALLAH is “the Judge” and “the Just” – “And the word of your LORD has been fulfilled in truth and in justice10 (Suraat ‘Al-‘Ancaam, 5:115).

Therefore, loyalty primarily belongs to truth, and loyalty to Muslims corresponds to their adherence to truth. This represents a rational, just alignment with truth, neither blind nor barbaric. The True King prohibits supporting a Muslim brother against a peaceful non-Muslim (one under covenant or similar status) if the Muslim wrongfully violates the non-Muslim’s rights, and forbids justifying such actions through claims of loyalty and disavowal or strengthening the ummah.

Following Truth Wherever It Leads

An authentic Muslim must align with truth regardless of circumstance. When a Muslim wrongs a peaceful non-Muslim, Islamic duty requires supporting the wronged party until their rights are restored, as this loyalty stems from love and submission to the True King. This approach actually helps the transgressing Muslim brother, as explained by the Prophet (Peace be upon Him): “Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or oppressed11. When asked how to help an oppressor, He clarified: “Prevent him from oppression; that is helping him12.

The religion of the Most Merciful rejects tribalism among Muslims and mutual support in oppression. The Quranic expression precisely addresses this:

ALLAH only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – [forbids] that you make allies of them 13
(Suraat ‘Al-MumtaHanah, 60:9)

The specification “fight you because of religion” is crucial – if a non-believer fights due to being wronged, their disbelief cannot be used to justify aggression against them.

ALLAH establishes loyalty and disavowal not on the mere name of Islam, but on genuine faith in practice:

Your ally is none but ALLAH and [therefore] HIS Messenger and those who have believed – those who establish prayer and give zakāh, and they bow [in worship]14
(Suraat ‘Al-Maa’idah, 5:55)

Love and loyalty toward Muslims correlate with their adherence to truth and justice, while hatred and disavowal apply to actions that deviate from these principles. At this point, names and official religious designations become irrelevant.

ALLAH states:

You will never find a people who ˹truly˺ believe in ALLAH and the Last Day loyal to those who defy ALLAH and HIS Messenger…15
(Suraat ‘Al-Mujaadilah, 58:22)

Ibn Ashur explains that this absence of affection extends to both disbelievers and others who actively oppose ALLAH and HIS Messenger (Peace be upon Him) by deliberately violating divine law, disrespecting Islamic sanctities, and showing indifference to religion. This principle holds paramount importance across all dealings and levels, particularly regarding officials who demand Muslim loyalty while deliberately violating Islamic law, disrespecting Islamic sanctities, showing religious indifference, or even opposing it.

It is fundamentally incorrect to distinguish someone merely because they have an Islamic name like Muhammad or Mahmoud, or Muslim parents, if they curse ALLAH or religion or mock Islamic laws. Their Islamic name or official religious designation does not differentiate them from those born Christian or Jewish. If a Muslim abandons Islam, they become subject to disavowal.

Universal Accessibility of Islamic Loyalty

The third distinctive characteristic of Islamic loyalty lies in its universal accessibility, not being bound by immutable personal characteristics. When someone embraces Islam, they immediately receive love and loyalty, as ALLAH declares:

Say to those who have disbelieved [that] if they cease, what has previously occurred will be forgiven for them16
(Suraat ‘Al-‘Anfaal, 8:38)

The principle operates with remarkable simplicity.

ALLAH further states:

But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakāh, then they are your brothers in religion; and WE detail the verses for a people who know17
(Suraat ‘At-Tawbah, 9:11)

This principle manifests powerfully in the hadith of Usama bin Zayd – even in the heat of battle, if a polytheist fighting against Muslims pronounces the two declarations of faith, they instantly become entitled to Muslim loyalty and brotherhood.

This system excludes no one and remains perpetually open to those seeking to join the brotherhood of Muslims and their love. It represents a supreme bond transcending borders, races, and ethnicities, maintaining constant accessibility. This stands in stark contrast to the blind warfare of the Crusaders, Tatars, or historical conflicts between nations. It differs fundamentally from groups united by worldly considerations who exclude others based on immutable characteristics like skin color or race.

Islamic loyalty excludes individuals not for inherent characteristics but for their conscious choices and actions. Brotherhood and loyalty in Islam represent a blessing available to all – “and you became, by HIS favor, brothers“. Some question how those choosing a religion other than Islam can be considered disbelievers, as though they lack choice in the matter. In reality, they consciously choose to forgo the blessing of Islam, its love, and its loyalty.

The door remains open – accepting Islam brings immediate welcome, while those who decline still receive just and good treatment as long as they maintain peace, as commanded by Islamic principles and demonstrated through numerous historical examples discussed in previous articles.

Justice Towards Non-Muslims

The fourth distinctive feature of loyalty and disavowal in Islam lies in its just treatment of those outside the Islamic circle. While disavowal applies to those who reject Islam’s blessing, brotherhood, and love, this does not translate into oppression. Islam neither compels others to embrace it for fair treatment nor forces them to show loyalty, instead maintaining peaceful relations with those who reciprocate peace.

In contrast, earthly loyalties often breed oppression, even when operating under the banner of state and legal loyalty. People face compulsion to demonstrate loyalty to these concepts beyond mere peaceful coexistence. They must show allegiance and allow their children to absorb these ideologies in schools without objection, facing accusations of treason and threats to state security if they resist.

The proclaimed loyalty to state, law, and homeland frequently devolves into servitude to powerful elites’ interests. Interstate conflicts trigger clashing loyalties leading to oppression, with international law and systems intervening primarily to serve major powers’ interests – as evidenced by ongoing Nile River disputes. State and legal loyalty thus perpetuates both internal and external oppression.

These contrasting features between Islamic loyalty and disavowal versus earthly loyalties lead to a clear position: when asked to dissolve Islamic loyalty and disavowal in favor of human-created, earthly concepts disconnected from ALLAH, LORD of the Worlds, the answer remains firm. Others’ laxity in religious loyalty and disavowal bears no relevance, nor does it create an obligation to follow their path.

The Rational Basis of Islamic Loyalty

Loyalty and disavowal based on love for ALLAH stands upon rational, demonstrative, inferential, and innate reasoning, connected to divine revelation and grounded in true value. This system establishes loyalty on truth and justice, remains accessible to all, and maintains justice toward those outside its circle. It rejects tribalism, blind allegiance, falsehood, and oppression, distinguishing it from other forms of loyalty based on earthly concepts or distorted understanding of ALLAH. Thus, believers cannot be urged to follow others’ abandonment of their principles.

The contemporary slogan of absolute human equality regardless of race, language, gender, or religion reveals a profound misunderstanding. It fails to recognize that societies inherently operate through systems of loyalty and disavowal, and erroneously equates Islam with other bases for loyalty and belonging.

Despite its transcendent foundation, Islam does not eliminate natural human inclinations that align with truth and justice, such as the familiarity between tribe members or those sharing language or geography. However, these considerations do not form the basis for loyalty and disavowal. Instead, Islam refines these natural bonds, transforming them from potential sources of destruction into motivations for positive competition, as exemplified by the strategic distribution of tribes across army divisions to enhance collective defense.

Loyalty and disavowal rooted in love for ALLAH constitutes the essential foundation that transforms Muslims into a true ummah, providing the backbone for strength and unity. As ALLAH declares:

Your ally is none but ALLAH and [therefore] HIS Messenger and those who have believed – those who establish prayer and give zakāh, and they bow [in worship]. And whoever is an ally of ALLAH and HIS Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of ALLAH – they will be the predominant18
(Suraat ‘Al-Maa’idah, 5:55-56)

Consequently, those who oppose humanity’s wellbeing work to destroy this backbone, seeking to maintain the ummah in a state of weakness and paralysis. The erosion of loyalty and disavowal proves catastrophically destructive to the Muslim community’s interests.

The Modern International System’s Impact

The modern international system operates by fragmenting societies through systematic methods. After establishing artificial borders, it exploits minority tensions to destabilize societies internally while promoting extreme individualism that reduces people to pursuing personal desires.

This strategy facilitates continued subjugation to the controllers of capital and prevents the emergence of opposing forces that might challenge the international system’s structure of enslavement. The system established and reinforced political borders, imposing loyalty based on political systems and alignments regardless of genuine relationships between peoples. National loyalty effectively became equated with loyalty to leadership, enabling control over populations through their leaders.

This fragmentation manifests in striking examples: the German people, united by lineage and geography, were divided into two separate states that persisted long before the Berlin Wall’s fall. Similarly, Korea was split into two nations, and the Islamic world was fractured into multiple statelets.

North America’s approach to South American countries demonstrates this system – weakening nations, instigating civil wars, altering political systems, and manipulating loyalty structures to maintain control, as detailed in Noam Chomsky‘s analysis in “What Uncle Sam Really Wants“.

The Islamic world has faced particularly intense targeting, with concentrated efforts through directed media and curriculum modifications focusing on:

  • Undermining the faith bonds between Muslims
  • Attacking the doctrine of loyalty and disavowal
  • Creating aversion to Islam and its adherents while presenting an appealing image of disbelief and its followers

The international system demonstrates a stark double standard by permitting and protecting loyalty and belonging among groups whose practices oppose natural disposition, allowing them to advance their agendas through celebrations, marches, and events. Conversely, it actively opposes Muslims’ expressions of loyalty based on Islamic creed and sound natural disposition. The mere concept of Muslims organizing marches to express their creed-based unity faces severe opposition.

When Muslims employ accurate theological terminology, distinguishing between faith and disbelief, they face accusations of hate speech. Those who oppose humanity’s natural disposition work to eliminate the concept of loyalty and disavowal from Muslim school curricula, targeting those who discuss it as promoters of hate. This represents their own form of disavowal against Muslims – one based on falsehood and deception. Meanwhile, those who deviate from natural disposition receive permission to spread antagonistic rhetoric against their opponents, labeling them with derogatory terms (homophobe) and mobilizing legal systems against them.

The Way Forward

In light of these challenges, Muslims must revitalize the concept of loyalty and disavowal founded on love for ALLAH, recognizing their broader mission for all humanity. After commanding Muslim unity, ALLAH states:

And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so [i.e., ally yourselves with other believers], there will be fitnah [i.e., disbelief and oppression] on earth and great corruption19
(Suraat ‘Al-‘Anfaal, 8:73)

The specification “on earth” – encompassing all lands, not just Muslim territories – emphasizes that Muslims serve as humanity’s safeguard against corruption.

To summarize today’s discussion:

  • A Muslim’s supreme motivator must be love for ALLAH and its natural extensions
  • Islamic teachings require loving and supporting Muslim brothers based on truth and justice
  • This concept forms the essential backbone of the Muslim ummah

The discourse naturally leads to crucial questions about relationships with non-Muslims:

  • What is the proper position regarding non-Muslim others?
  • How should Muslims regulate their feelings and interactions to:
    • Maintain sincere love and hate for ALLAH’s sake
    • Fulfill the requirements of love for ALLAH
    • Navigate natural feelings of affection that might exist
    • Live harmoniously while maintaining dignity, truthfulness, and psychological wellbeing?

These vital questions will be addressed in the upcoming article, ALLAH willing, inviting readers to continue following the series.


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  4. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  5. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  6. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  7. Hidayat al-ruwah ↩︎
  8. Sahih al-Bukhari ↩︎
  9. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  10. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  11. Sahih al-Bukhari ↩︎
  12. Sahih al-Bukhari ↩︎
  13. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  14. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  15. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  16. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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  18. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  19. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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