Current Situations of Muslims

Gaza and Brutality: Netanyahu’s Vision vs. Islamic Principles

Elon Musk’s Controversial Interview with Netanyahu

Recently, a clip from an interview conducted a few months ago has gained significant attention. In this interview, Elon Musk, the owner of the X platform, hosted Benjamin Netanyahu. During their discussion, Musk posed a direct and provocative question: How are Israeli soldiers trained to kill and even take pleasure in killing civilians?

Netanyahu’s response was both revealing and concerning. He defended the severe actions of the Israeli army in Gaza, asserting that they are necessary. According to him, eliminating resistance is crucial for bringing peace and stability to the region. Netanyahu claimed that the current military operations benefit both Gaza and Israel.

Elon Musk
A symbolic scene with a social media bubble, the Israeli flag, a microphone, and military elements in the background

Netanyahu continued by drawing comparisons to post-World War II Germany and Japan. He suggested that the overwhelming defeat these nations faced led their populations to become more compliant and submissive. This comparison hints at a troubling vision for Gaza’s future.

He also commended the recent shifts in some Arab countries toward what he described as “fighting extremism”. Netanyahu concluded by outlining a plan to eliminate what he refers to as “extremism” in Gaza after subduing the resistance. His strategy, as he explained, focuses on targeting schools, where children are taught their values, and mosques.

The Silence of the International Community

What stands out most about this interview is the noticeable lack of response from the international community. Despite being broadcast on a global platform, Netanyahu’s remarks have not prompted any significant reactions from international bodies, such as the United Nations, the Security Council, or even from those who often criticize Islamic law within our own communities.

This silence speaks volumes. It suggests that Netanyahu’s words may reflect the views held by many international actors. The unspoken message appears to be: “Brutality is acceptable, and even the killing of civilians can be justified if it serves the purpose of eliminating what is labeled as extremism and forcing the people of Gaza to comply with the interests of the international system and Israel”.

A Stark Contrast: Islamic Principles vs. Current Actions

In contrast, we see how these same voices that criticize Islam, Islamic history, and the verses and Hadiths regarding Jihad are quick to reproach Muslims. Yet, in Islam, the purpose of Jihad is clearly outlined in the Quran:

And fight against them until there is no fitnah [i.e. persecution] and [until] the religion [i.e., worship], all of it, is for ALLAH [i.e., until polytheism is no longer dominant]…1
(Suurat ‘Al-‘Anfaal, 8:39)

Meanwhile, in the context of Zionist aggression, which represents a manifestation of global evil, the aim is subjugation and oppression.

In Jihad, the aim is “to bring people out from worshipping other people to worshipping ALLAH alone2. In contrast, the objective of oppressive forces is “to enslave people who were born free”.

In Jihad, the Prophet of Mercy, Peace be upon Him, has taught us:

…and do not act treacherously. Do not mutilate and do not kill children…3

Additionally, He said:

Verily ALLAH has prescribed Ihsan (kindness) for everything. So when you kill, you must make the killing in the best manner…4

On the other hand, the forces of oppression say: “Betray, announce safe zones then bomb them, mutilate people while they are alive, burn them, amputate their limbs, tear them to pieces, kill their children and women, demolish their mosques upon them. All of this is justified to remove extremism from those who remain and subjugate them to us”.

A fictional image of a Muslim army holding the Palestinian flag

In Islam, those who do not accept Islam have the option to pay the Jizya, ensuring their security in terms of life, property, honor, and the freedom to practice their religion. This system guarantees protection and coexistence under Islamic rule.

In contrast, the approach of oppressive forces is starkly different: “We will take your land and your wealth, control your education, your family, your children, your media, and your speech. And if you resist, you will face crushing destruction”.

The Reality We Face

The language of force seems to dominate the world we live in today. Ideals of peaceful coexistence and adherence to international law appear to have been discarded, leaving behind a troubling reality. Those who attempt to teach our children otherwise may be seen as betraying the harsh truths of the current global landscape.

This unsettling reality compels us to confront uncomfortable truths about the state of international relations and the treatment of vulnerable populations. It forces us to reflect on the widening gap between the values of peace and justice that are often preached and the actions we see unfolding on the world stage.

In moments like these, we are reminded of the words of the poet Ahmed Shawqi:

“How many of the Prophet’s invasions were noble,
In them was the pleasure of truth or its elevation.
They were severe for the soldiers of Allah,
But in their wake, came ease for the worlds.
They struck ignorance a blow that removed it,
So upon ignorance and misguidance be destruction.
They supported peace over war, and how often,
Blood saved blood in time”

Our Islamic Duty

As Muslims, it is our duty to speak out against injustice and uphold the principles of our faith. We must continually advocate for peace, justice, and the sanctity of human life. It is essential that we educate our children about the true values of Islam, which stand for justice and mercy, even during times of conflict.

We must also remain vigilant about the narratives promoted by the media and world leaders. It is crucial to critically examine these messages and measure them against the teachings of our faith. By remaining steadfast in our principles, we can work towards making a positive impact on the world.

May ALLAH guide us all to what is right and just, and may HE bring peace and justice to the people of Gaza and all those suffering under oppression around the world. Ameen.


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Rabiah Ibn Amir ↩︎
  3. Muwatta Malik ↩︎
  4. Riyad as-Salihin ↩︎
  5. Original Poem ↩︎
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