Islamic Creed

ALLAH’s Wisdom Behind the Suffering of Children in Gaza, Sudan, and Arakan

Salam Alaykum. Many of us grapple with understanding ALLAH’s wisdom in ALLAH’s Wisdom in the Suffering of Children in places like Gaza, Sudan, and Arakan. A follower on Instagram recently asked, “What is ALLAH’s wisdom in allowing the ongoing devastation to continue to this day? I can no longer comprehend the wisdom behind over 20,000 children dying without reason, including newborns who haven’t even lived a day”.

This question undoubtedly crosses the minds of many: “Why does ALLAH allow calamities, disasters, and the killing of children in Gaza, Sudan, Arakan (Rakhin) in Burma (Myanmar), and elsewhere?”

Accepting the Limitations of Human Understanding

Firstly, what if you don’t know the answer to this question? Does your faith hinge on understanding ALLAH’s wisdom in these matters? As a Muslim, you possess profound evidence of ALLAH’s perfection, wisdom, and mercy. If you do not understand the reason behind one of HIS actions, does it mean that other proofs no longer exist?

If your limited mind cannot grasp the ALLAH’s wisdom behind the suffering of children, does it imply that there is no wisdom at all? Your lack of understanding does not mean wisdom is absent. As a servant, your role is to accept that ALLAH has wisdom in all HIS actions, even if you do not understand them.

Demanding to know all wisdom is like claiming to possess knowledge equal to ALLAH’s, which is overstepping the bounds of humanity as stated in the Quran:

HE is not questioned about what HE does, but they will be questioned1 (Suurat ‘Al-‘Anbiyaa’).

Chapter ‘Al-‘Anbiyaa’: Verse – 23 – سورة الأنبياء: الآية
Chapter ‘Al-‘Anbiyaa’: Verse – 23 – سورة الأنبياء: الآية

In our daily lives, we trust experts in their fields without questioning every detail, whether it’s a doctor prescribing medication or an engineer in construction. We don’t dispute every action because our knowledge doesn’t allow us to understand everything they do, so how much more so with the LORD of all beings? Suurat ‘Al-Kahf, which we recite, includes stories where apparent harm conceals hidden good, unknown even to Prophet Moses, peace be upon Him. The first point is that you do not necessarily need to know ALLAH’s wisdom in testing children; your lack of knowledge does not mean it doesn’t exist, and the signs of HIS wisdom and mercy are too numerous to count.

You do not necessarily need to know ALLAH's wisdom in Suffering of Children.
A fictional image of suffering of children inside the tent in a war-torn setting with a sense of horror and impending danger.

Recognizing ALLAH’s Mercy Beyond This World

Secondly, out of HIS mercy, ALLAH does reveal some of HIS wisdom to us. The suffering of children are not a punishment for them, as they are not accountable for sins, thus they bear no guilt. Such trials are not punishment but mercy. Those who only consider this life may think, “If my worldly life is troubled, I have lost everything”.

This is a mindset described in the Quran:

[It is] the promise of ALLAH. ALLAH does not fail in HIS promise, but most of the people do not know. They know what is apparent of the worldly life, but they, of the Hereafter, are unaware2 (Suurat ‘Ar-Ruum).

Chapter ‘Ar-Ruum: Verses – 7-6 – سورة الروم: الآيات

As believers, we do not think this way. We know that this life is a place of trial, not of ultimate reward or punishment.

We understand that life’s value to ALLAH is less than a mosquito’s wing and that we are mere travelers taking shade under a tree before leaving it behind. Notice that ALLAH had talked about “‘Almaw’uudah” in Suurat ‘At-Takwiir:

And when ‘almaw’uudah is asked”.3

Chapter 'At-Takwiir: Verse - 8 - سورة التكوير: الآية
Chapter ‘At-Takwiir: Verse – 8 – سورة التكوير: الآية

Do you what is meant by “‘almaw’uudah”? She is an innocent, unfortunate child placed in a pit and covered with dirt until she suffocates—a horrific and painful death. Note that ALLAH does not discuss HIS wisdom in allowing these criminal parents to commit this act. Muslims did not question the divine wisdom in this because they understood that this life is a place of trial, and the Hereafter is the place of ultimate justice.

You express concern that your mind cannot grasp the wisdom behind more than twenty thousand children dying without apparent reason, some without having lived even a single day. However, these children are all in Paradise, as there is a consensus that the children of Muslims who pass away are in Paradise.

You mentioned, “Some didn’t live even a day”. What does a child yearn for in this life if eternal bliss in Paradise awaits instead? Have you heard the verse,

Indeed, ALLAH has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise4 (Suurat ‘At-Tawbah)

Chapter 'At-Tawbah: Verse - 111 - سورة التوبة: الآية
Chapter ‘At-Tawbah: Verse – 111 – سورة التوبة: الآية

Al-Qurtubi explains in his interpretation: “Just as HE has purchased from the accountable adult believers, so has HE purchased from the children. This means HE has bought their lives, allowing them to suffer illness for a greater benefit and as a lesson to the adults, who are more righteous and less corrupt when they empathize with the suffering of children”… until he says: “Then, Almighty ALLAH compensates these children when they come to HIM”. Our LORD, Blessed and Exalted, provides them with compensation. One might ask about the pain and suffering they endure before death. The answer is: all such suffering is forgotten with the first immersion into Paradise.

Trials as Tests for Believers

Thirdly, one of ALLAH’s wisdom in testing children is to also test their parents and others who care for them. If they show patience, they are greatly rewarded. Our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, said:

There are no two Muslims, three of whose children die before reaching puberty, but ALLAH will admit them to Paradise by virtue of HIS mercy toward them. It will be said to them: ‘Enter Paradise’. They will say: ‘Not until our parents enter’. So it will be said: ‘Enter Paradise, you and your parents5.

Sahih Sunan Al-Nasa'i: Book of Funerals - Chapter: One who Loses Three - صحيح سنن النسائي: كتاب الجنائز - باب من يتوفى له ثلاثة
Sahih Sunan Al-Nasa’i: Book of Funerals – Chapter: One who Loses Three – صحيح سنن النسائي: كتاب الجنائز – باب من يتوفى له ثلاثة

Imagine parents losing three children—a severe pain indeed—but a guarantee for Paradise for them and their children by ALLAH’s grace.

Fourthly, ALLAH tests us through the trials of children in places like Gaza, Sudan, and Burma (Myanmar) to bring out acts of worship like fighting injustice and supporting the oppressed. But this doesn’t mean we should be complacent about their suffering because they are destined for Paradise. On the contrary, if we fail them and side with their enemies, what benefit is there if they go to Paradise while we risk Hellfire?

Fifthly, ALLAH’s trials for children are also a means to extract acts of great patience and contentment from them, elevating their status and providing a clear argument against those who lack patience. We’ve seen children in Gaza endure with patience, serving as proof against those who do not persevere. ALLAH supports their tender hearts in ways that could shake mountains, demonstrating HIS profound wisdom and mercy. I speak from personal experience as a father of a daughter who suffered intensely from cancer but endured patiently by ALLAH’s grace.

Reflecting on Our Responsibilities

Lastly, to you asking this question, what have you done when you see the children in Gaza, Sudan, or Arakan (Rakhin), and beyond as they face death? You inquire about the actions of ALLAH Almighty, knowing well that

HE is not questioned about what HE does, but they will be questioned6 (Suurat ‘Al-‘Anbiyaa’).

You, who are well-known and raised this question before your followers, has the suffering of these children stirred in you a spiritual awakening that elevates the quality of what you share with others, making it compliant with ALLAH’s laws without deviations, and inspiring a spirit of faith among people to act against the injustices faced by children and adults, males and females alike? Has your content changed significantly after these events? Have you focused on pleasing ALLAH and clearing your conscience, ensuring you are not counted among those who betray their brethren in faith?

Everything we’ve discussed is just a fraction of ALLAH’s immense wisdom,

and they encompass not a thing of HIS knowledge except what HE wills7 (Suurat ‘Al-Baqarah).

Chapter ‘Al-Baqarah: Verse – 255 – سورة البقرة: الآية

In conclusion, ALLAH possesses profound wisdom and is infinitely more merciful towards children and adults, males and females than we could ever be. He will reward those who show patience with a reward that even the healthy among us would desire. Let us focus on our duties, praying for ALLAH’s mercy on our brothers and sisters everywhere, and to help us support them. Peace, mercy, and blessings of ALLAH be upon you.


  1. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  2. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  3. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  4. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  5. Saheeh Sunan Al-Nasa’i ↩︎
  6. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
  7. Saheeh International translation ↩︎
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